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Showing posts from June, 2019

Create fake paytm screenshots

Before reading this a major thing you require is a telegram account because the link i am attaching here is a telegram channel and if you don't have telegram account then the link will show you a error. Hey, if you are searching to hack paytm then your search ends here  in this blog i will tell you how you can easily hack paytm. the simplest method you will ever get to know so all you have to do is click on this  link  and you will be directed to telegram message if you have your telegram id then you can join it simply else you can create a telegram id and join the channel. the message you will be redirected is actually an apk you simply have to download that apk and rest you can find in this  video or the same video you will get inside that app section

How to find information about username

Here are the code list used in the video Video link will be updated soon 1. pkg install 2. clear 3. pkg update 4. clear 5. apt update 6. clear 7. install git ( i have already installed it so your process will be longer and take time i am not sharing its screenshot because in my phone it shows that i have already installed git ) 8. git clone (paste the link copied from the page) 9. cd infoga 10. ls 11. chmod +x 12. ./ Now enter the username you want to search for and it will give you the information to learn more in detail visit the video Note : All the codes mentioned above is case sensitive. All the codes that i skip here are not necessary if you don't use it it will not effect.