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Showing posts from April, 2020

How to Hack any android device

    How to Hack any Android Device     Prerequisites: kali perating system internet connection victims mobile phone for 10 seconds so if you want to know the steps i will update it soon here but till then you can watch the video here and the commands to control the victims mobile phone is below  HAPPY HACKING !! pwd: The  pwd  command allows you to see the current directory you're in. meterpreter > pwd /data/data/com.metasploit.stage cd: The  cd  command allows you to change directory. For example: meterpreter > cd cache meterpreter > ls cat: The  cat  command allows you to see the contents of a file. ls: The  ls  command displays items in a directory. For example: meterpreter > ls Listing: /data/data/com.metasploit.stage/files ============================================== Mode Size Type Last modified Name ---- ---- ---- ...

Hacking Instagram Using Bruteforce

Hacking Instagram Using Bruteforce Attack so today we will see how can we hack into anyone instagram account so before starting let me tell you that you can also watch video on the same by clicking here on youtube  there everything is explained same as here so lets start. Requirements: PC or Laptop Internet connection kali os or virtual kali a victim in which you will perform hack Steps: first we will open our kali machines terminal and check if you are root or not by typing whoami if it says root then you don't have to follow next step type sudo su and after pressing enter type the password of your kali machine after this type apt-get install tor After the installation complete go to this link  and click on clone or download and copy the text Return to your terminal again and type git clone and then paste the text you just copied After that give time for downloading and when it completes type chmod +x After this type chmod +x instashell....

Keylogger using Python

Create Remote KeyLogger using Python hello everyone we are back with new python program in which we are going to create a remote keylogger for this first we must have to learn what is KeyLogger.  KeyLogger: so KeyLogger is a simple software which store every keystrokes by you and store it somewhere and you can access it later anytime when you want to see which key you typed. Remote KeyLogger: The only difference between remote keylogger and the keylogger is that user can access the keystrokes only in the same system where the program is running in normal keylogger but in remote keylogger an additional feature is that you can or anyone can access the keystrokes from anywhere. what remote keylogger actually do is it send the keystrokes file on the server from where anyone can access the keystrokes who has access to the server. for the video explanation and practical view of how actually a remote keylogger works that we will create on our next blog you...

Instagram Automation

Instagram Automation from selenium import webdriver import time class Instabot: def __init__ ( self , username , password): self .username = username self .password = password self .driver = webdriver.Chrome() self .driver.get( "" ) self .driver.implicitly_wait( 5 ) self .driver.find_element_by_name( "username" ).send_keys(username) self .driver.find_element_by_name( "password" ).send_keys(password) self .driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="react-root"]/section/main/article/div[2]/div[1]/div/form/div[4]/button/div' ).click() self .driver.implicitly_wait( 5 ) self .driver.find_element_by_xpath( '/html/body/div[4]/div/div/div[3]/button[2]' ).click() self .driver.get( "" + "/explore/people/" ) dimension = self .driver.get_window_size() ...

how to work on browsers using python

How to open browsers with python s o as you all know that today life is nothing without internet, and it feels really boring sometimes when you are making programs which have no use or no direct implementation in real life. So when we talk about python, it is a vast language and you can do a lot if things using python is just few lines. In this blog i will tell you how you can work on browsers with python.  so if you are my regular follower you  must listen about selenium which i used to do automate things. so similar their are some packages which help us to work with browsers and these packages are: webbrowser: Comes with Python and opens a browser to a specific page. Requests: Downloads files and web pages from the Internet. Beautiful Soup : Parses HTML, the format that web pages are written in. Selenium: Launches and controls a web browser. Selenium is able to fill in forms and simulate mouse clicks in this browser   so how to use webbrowse...

how to hide a file in jpg

                  How to hide files in a jpg  Set up :  1. Must have a .zip or .rar compressor.  2. Willingness to learn.  Steps :  1. Save the picture of choice to your desktop.  2. Make a new .rar or .zip folder on your desktop.  3. Add the files you want to hide into the .zip or .rar  4. Click start menu, run, cmd.  5. In Command Prompt type cd "desktop" with the quotation marks.  6. Now type in copy /b picturename.jpg + foldername.rar outputfilename.jpg ( If you use .zip then: copy /b picturename.jpg + outputfilename.jpg)  7. Now there should be the outputed file name with a .jpg extension on the desktop. ( Do not close Command Prompt just yet )  8. Double click it to open the picture and check it out.  9. When your done looking, and want to view the hidden files Type: ren outputfilename.jpg outputfilename.rar or zip  ...

How to change your folders background

How to change your folders background  Step 1 : Have the Folder you want to put the background on open!  Step 2 : Open up Notepad, then simply paste in this code:  [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] iconarea_image=***Picture Location Here!***\***Name of File!***  Step 3 : Go to ur picture (the picture you want to use!) and right click and select properties and find the file location for example lets say my file is in "my hardrive" it would be located at "C:\\" understand? copy the location!  Step 4 : Now go back to ur text document (notepad) and where it says ***Picture Location Here!*** paste the location...u copied in the previus step!   Step 5 : Now after u've done that where it says ***Name of File!*** type the name of the file including the .jpg .bmp .bip. jpeg etc  Step 6 : Save the text document as "desktop.ini" be sure to remember the .ini extension! click Save as "All Files" not "Text Document" and sav...

how to send mail using python programming

Send mail using Python here in this we use python programming to send mail to anyone using gmail account. you can click  here  to watch a video on it. and below is the code given you can copy and run the code directly. import smtplib def mail (email , password , message): server = smtplib.SMTP( "" , 587 ) server.starttls() server.login(email , password) server.sendmail(email , email , message) server.quit() mail( "" , "password" , "message" ) for more content you can subscribe our  YouTube channel   join our telegram channel  here