How to start with hacking
- Everything discuss here is for ethical hacking not for any illegal or unethical hacking
topics discussed here are:- Types of hacking
- jobs on hacking
- what to do on jobs
- how to start with hacking
- where to start
Types and jobs on hacking
- First you need to know for what you want to learn hacking
- their are 2 types of hacking first one is defensive and second one is offensive further it is divided into black white and grey hat hackers also but that is different thing
- In offensive hacking you will have to perform hacking on different websites and if you find any vulnerability you have to report it to the owner of website (this is the thing hackers do on bug bounty program) if you are on any company for which you are hacking you have to submit the report to the analyst or hunter ( hunter is the high post in the field of hacking)
- in defensive hacking you need to learn networking and all and you have to make sure that the company for which you are working is attack free and have to manage all the logs and if any attacker attacks on the company you are working for you have to minimize the loss cause from that hack and at the same time you have to research on the type of hack purpose and from where attack is organised
- so these are the very basic terms if you want to be ethical hacker now we will discuss about how can we move towards learning part in offensive mainly...
Learn how to hack
- first you have to know the basics of Linux mainly people recommends this but my personal opinion is that just start hacking on the platforms which are made to hack ( we will discuss about that platforms in this blog later )
- if you start hacking you will face difficulty but all you have to do is google things on how to solve that problem and try again
- even if you are not able to that just google the answers you will find the answers in google of every platforms.
- The platforms i will suggest you and also one of best according to me, answers of these platforms are not available on google but the steps are provided instead on how to get those answers but on my youtube channel you will also get the answers in case you find the answers but still it is showing wrong answers (this can be occur due to wrong format or spelling mistakes).
- So now lets move towards the platforms
Platforms to start with hacking
- Their are many but if you are a beginner i suggest you to start with picoctf here you will get all the basic knowledge of hacking and linux. i will make a seperate blog on picoctf soon with more description
- Second you should move after picoctf is tryhackme this is really best platform to start you hacking here you will get different machines and websites on which you can perform hack without any problem because if you perform hack on real website that is illlegal but here it is all legal because these webistes and machines are made to be hacked and to let people learn hacking
- Third thing towards which you have to move after tryhackme is hackthebox this is the platform similar to tryhackme but tryhackme guide you on how to hack step wise step but hackthebox just provide you machines and never guide you. You have to use your skills to perform hack, but this website contains really better machines which makes you hand better on hacking
I want to connect through ethical hackers. I know basic of Hacking. I want someone to guide me. Please help me
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